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Frequently asked questions
and things to you can do to to help me
I get lots of mail from you visitors and Im happy for
it, dont get me wrong on this. I try to reply to all of
them and answer to your questions the best way I can, when Im
not riding my bike or doing something else necessary, like working
and that sorts of things. But Im afraid that there are plenty
of non-replied messages in my mailbox, I simply havent had
the time to reply to all of them.
These FAQ pages can hopefully
help you to find an answer to your question, or at least let you
know what kind of things I could actually have an answer. I do
try to cover all Suzuki motorcycle models aver made on my site
but I am definitively not an expert on each one of them. |
Heres a list of some of the most frequently asked questions
I get from you readers:
Suzuki model identification

Im pretty good at this now after collecting tons of information
about the Suzuki motorcycle models I have covered on my website.

A list of Suzuki
Frame Codes (source: Suzuki UK) can be found on my site, which
can help you to identify your OLD bikes model year.

Many of the earlier models can easily be identified without any
frame codes of their paint job and differences in details. Check
out the Model History page for your bike model first, if theres
one available. Use the search engine if you have troubles in navigating
to the correct page.

Unfortunately I dont have any list of engine numbers that
could help you to identify your bikes year model. But it
can help you to identify the model. Check out the Model
Identification page.

All the models sold in USA, and even some other countries, after
1980, have a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) plate attached
to the frame. Theres plenty of information there. Check
out the Model Identification page on this site to find out more.

If you still cant find an answer to your model identification
question, feel free to contact me. I may have an answer to your
question, I may not. But I can try.
Suzuki maintenance, service and reparation

Theres some service info on this website for some Suzuki
motorcycle models, but not nearly to all of them. I only have
one service manual available and thats for my own bike (GSX1400
the manual was by the way sent to me by one of you readers,
Dimitri from Greece, I thank him so much for the gift!). Therefore
Im pretty sure I cant answer to your questions in
this area. Use Google instead.

Check out the Links page,
perhaps you can find a website that is specialized in your model;
you can possibly find better help there. I am not very good at
mechanical or electrical problems myself.

You can visit the Parts and Accessories,
Manuals and
or Electrical Problem pages, you might be lucky.
The value of your bike

I get quite many messages from people who are asking what their
bike is worth. I have categorically answered to all of them that
I dont have the faintest idea. I hardly know what a certain
model is worth here in Sweden and its impossible for me
to know what they are worth in other countries.

Dont ask me ask someone who knows. I don't. Use Google.
Brochures, adverts and magazine articles

I certainly want help from you guys in scanning Suzuki motorcycle
sales brochures, full line catalogues and even magazine adverts
from your country. The older the better but I am interested in
all years and models! Please read this first before you start
to scan:

Please check out first on my website if I already have
the material, sent by somebody else. Or ask me. Use the search
engine if you have trouble of finding the relevant pages for the
model concerned.

For the best results, please dont use a digital camera.
Use a scanner instead. We all want to be able to read the text in straight lines,
not just see the pictures.

Please use JPEG format, not GIF, BMP and never send the files as a winmail.dat attachment I
cant open the files with my Macintosh computer. Don't attach them to a Wod document either. Just sent raw data, the pictures.

Please try to scan the pages so that all of it is visible
and the original is placed straight in the scanner. A great deal
of the sharpness is lost if I have to correct the angle in my

Please scan all of the pages, as large as possible. Use 300 dpi resolution or better for
good results.

Tell also (if not obviously noticed from the scans) where
the stuff comes from, model name and year and country for the
brochures and catalogues, magazine title and issue for the article
and advertisement scans.

If you find something interesting on the Internet, please dont
send the files to me, just send the URL for the website instead. If you do send me files you find on the Internet, please tell me where you found them.

Feel free to ask me if you have any questions about scanning
and sending me material.
Sometimes, not very often, I get inquires from collectors who
want to trade brochures with me. Unfortunately I don't have anything
to trade with, possibly I can offer them the newest Swedish full
line catalogue but thats it. I have lots of brochure scans
but no originals.

Comments and corrections

Every now and then I get messages from you guys that are helping
me to make my site even better. Sometimes I get help in pointing
out the differences between model years of a particular model,
sometimes people send me some specifications, correct info or
simply are telling me about a broken link they found on the site.
Im deeply grateful of any help I can get, please keep on
telling me if you have additional information of a certain model
or if you find something on my site should be corrected.

I also love receiving mail from happy readers who just want to
tell how much they have enjoyed visiting my site. Messages like
that are my reward. I hope messages like that will never stop coming.
But if you want, you can use the Guestbook instead so that even
other readers have an opportunity to know what you think. I get
an e-mail copy of every message on the guest book, so I get it

Visitors bike pictures

This is actually not a frequently asked question, perhaps it should.

People send me every now and then pictures of their bike for publishing
on my site. Thats great; I want as many contributions as
possible. Unfortunately there are a number of bike pictures that
I havent been able to publish, for that simple reason that
I dont know who is the owner of the bike. When you do send
me pictures, please answer to some simple questions:

Your name and your home town and country.

Your e-mail address if you want other readers to be able
to contact you please tell me if you want me to
be publish your e-mail address (I don't recommend this because of junkmail).

The model name and model year of your bike.

When did you buy it? How long have you owned it? If you
have already sold it, please tell us why and what bike did you
buy then?

Mileage (km) if you think its relevant.

Is it untouched, in the same original shape it was when
it left the assembly line, or is it modified/improved in some
ways? Please tell us of the modifications.

What do you think of your bike? It is interesting for many
people to know what you think of your bike. There are a number
of people searching the Internet about info of a certain model
they are planning to buy. I cant tell people how a certain
Suzuki model is to ride and to own (I can only tell that of my
own bike). I need your help on this!

Dont worry if you think that your English is not
that great. I can help you with the text, as long as I can understand
what you mean. Writing in Finnish and Swedish is also ok, although
I prefer English but do not use Spanish, French or any other language,
I cant read it.

You are welcome to write a longer story if you want, please
attach more (different) pictures of your bike (and perhaps of
yourself) the fill the empty space aside of the text.

Many readers send pictures of their bikes parked outside
their homes. Thats fine, but also pictures with bikes with
their owners (just tell who the person in the picture is) or in
different environments are most welcome!

Please use JPEG format only, not gif, not bmp or anything
else and never send the files as a winmail.dat attachment
I cant open the files with my Macintosh computer. Don't send tiny pictures. The bigger the better! Scans of really
old photos work usually quite fine, you can almost do miracles
when sharpening and correcting the colours in Photoshop. It doesnt
make any difference if its scanned photos or pictures taken
with a digital camera, as they are sharp and high resolution pictures.

Please dont try to make the picture flashier by using
the computer techniques, adding colours and stuff. Send just plain
pictures of real bikes in real environments, not fantasies.

Things you can do to help me
Notify me of any errors, typos, broken
links or any kind of inconveniences on my site. Anything that
you feel need to be corrected or improved. When correcting bike
info, please tell me where you found the (new and correct) info.
Don't forget to name the exact page where I should make the corrections.
Send me a story of your time with your Suzuki bike or bikes.
You can tell about a great (or miserable) trip you made
or an accident you were involved with, to name a couple of examples.
Attach pictures! See the Stories
You can buy my music cd online! Suzuki motorcycles are not even mentioned in the songs I wrote but you are intelligent enough to know that there's life beyond motorcycles as well, don't you? Here's a link to my Hälleforsnäs Records Music Store.
Click on the banners you can see on my site if you want to use
their services and procuct. I get a small procentage if you purchase
some of their products. Hopefully I will get back some of the
money I have spent in making and supporting this website. See
also the Products
Put banner to your site. Link them to
Here's a couple of banners to choose from:

If you can think of anything else you can do for me and my site
don't hesitate to tell me about it!

More: Frequently
Asked Questions
More: All
Suzuki models
This free site is managed by Jarmo Haapamäki.
If you find this site helpful, please leave a donation for Jarmo
so you can enjoy the spirit of giving too.

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