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If the information on this site helps you and you'd like to leave a donation for Jarmo, please use one of the options below. The amount you donate is entirely up to you.
Why donate? I want to spend more of my time directly helping people by creating new pages, articles, collecting information and answering reader's e-mail. If you want to support me in my mission to create the ultimate Suzuki website, please make a contribution. Any amount is appreciated.
To leave a donation via PayPal, MasterCard, or VISA, please click the button below (You may see a Hälleforsnäs Records name and logo on the page; that's the name of my new record company):
Please help me to keep this website free!
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If the Donate button doesn't work with your browser, please use this link instead or type this URL in your Internet browser:
This web site is still free for everyone to use. It is not sponsored by Suzuki Motor or any other motorcycle selling company. It is created, managed and paid by myself. And I'm not a rich kid, just a guy trying to make the best Suzuki motorcycle site in the world, and perhaps every now and then trying to have some money left for some gasoline and a new rear tyre for my bike when needed...
Some people tell me that Suzuki should pay me for managing this site. Perhaps they should, but they dont. No-one does. The advertisements on the web pages are an attempt to get some money to pay the web server and everything else to be able to continue. I have to pay the site management somehow, don't you agree?
It was one of you readers who suggested me to fix a PayPal account so that readers could donate money to me. He told me that there are actually people who could send some money although they dont have to. He was right. I have received some smaller donations from you dear readers. Not enough to pay all my bills for managing this site, but it helps. Thank you all!
You can also buy my CD...
Since July 2006 I'm no longer unemployed, I've started a record company, Hälleforsnäs Records, and I use the same PayPal account for receiving the money for any eventually sold records. If you like me music, you could as well buy my records, that's another way of supporting my business... You can download the music in Mp3 format or buy my CD's through the Hälleforsnäs Records Music Store. You can also buy my solo album through CD Baby in the USA.
I don't really like begging but... You know, I'm not actually getting rich for my music either. I probably never will, but hopefully I will get more money from my record company than I have put in. Some day...
Im grateful of any donations! I can only thank you so much if you do decide to send me something thought the PayPal — as a donation or purchasing my music. |
If you are a manager for Suzuki Motor Company; Don't send any small amounts, you know how much work I have done for free, work that you actually should have done... :-) |

Jarmo Haapamäki

the owner of this site
This free site is managed by Jarmo Haapamäki.
If you find this site helpful, please leave a donation for Jarmo
so you can enjoy the spirit of giving too.

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